Chromatography Videos

View and download videos of UHPLC simulations of an ideal tube, conventional packed bed, pillar array and Imagine TF’s layered structures


Ideal column, only longitudinal diffusion

These images show the diffusion of an ideal channel with only longitudinal diffusion at three intervals. This column has no functional surfaces. It only shows “idea” diffusion in a channel.


Imagine TF layered technology

These images show diffusion of a channel with Imagine TF’s layered technology. The channels are much smaller than other technologies, 0.30 micron shown, other images are 2.0 micron diameter. Notice he diffusion at the end of the channel is similar to the “idea” example and much better than “pillars”


packed bed column

These images show the diffusion of a typical packed bed UHPLC column at three intervals. There are small variations in the diameters and locations. Notice the extreme interruption in the flow. The structures are diameter is 2.0 microns in diameter.


Close-up of a packed bed column

The slow rate of diffusion (relative to the velocity and distances) is overwhelmed by the velocity of the fluid.


Pillar array

These images show the diffusion of an array of pillars. The pillars are identical in diameter and on an exact grid. These type of features can be fabricated with semiconductor processes. The posts are 2 microns in diameter.


Close-up of Imagine TF layered technology

With much smaller channels the diffusion rate overwhelms the velocity of the fluid (The velocity is the same as the other examples)